Map是c++的一个标准容器,她提供了很好一对一的关系,在一些程序中建立一个map可以起到事半功倍的效果,总结了一些map基本简单实用的操作!1. map最基本的构造函数; mapmapstring; map mapint; map mapstring; map< char ,string>mapchar; map mapchar; map mapint;2. map添加数据; map maplive; 1.maplive.insert(pair (102,"aclive")); 2.maplive.insert(map ::value_type(321,"hai")); 3, maplive[112]="April";//map中最简单最常用的插入添加!3,map中元素的查找: find()函数返回一个迭代器指向键值为key的元素,如果没找到就返回指向map尾部的迭代器。 map ::iterator l_it;; l_it=maplive.find(112); if(l_it==maplive.end()) cout<<"we do not find 112"< ::iterator l_it;; l_it=maplive.find(112); if(l_it==maplive.end()) cout<<"we do not find 112"< #include using namespace std; int main( ) { map m1, m2, m3; map ::iterator m1_Iter; m1.insert ( pair ( 1, 10 ) ); m1.insert ( pair ( 2, 20 ) ); m1.insert ( pair ( 3, 30 ) ); m2.insert ( pair ( 10, 100 ) ); m2.insert ( pair ( 20, 200 ) ); m3.insert ( pair ( 30, 300 ) ); cout << "The original map m1 is:"; for ( m1_Iter = m1.begin( ); m1_Iter != m1.end( ); m1_Iter++ ) cout << " " << m1_Iter->second; cout << "." << endl; // This is the member function version of swap //m2 is said to be the argument map; m1 the target map m1.swap( m2 ); cout << "After swapping with m2, map m1 is:"; for ( m1_Iter = m1.begin( ); m1_Iter != m1.end( ); m1_Iter++ ) cout << " " << m1_Iter -> second; cout << "." << endl; cout << "After swapping with m2, map m2 is:"; for ( m1_Iter = m2.begin( ); m1_Iter != m2.end( ); m1_Iter++ ) cout << " " << m1_Iter -> second; cout << "." << endl; // This is the specialized template version of swap swap( m1, m3 ); cout << "After swapping with m3, map m1 is:"; for ( m1_Iter = m1.begin( ); m1_Iter != m1.end( ); m1_Iter++ ) cout << " " << m1_Iter -> second; cout << "." << endl;}6.map的sort问题: Map中的元素是自动按key升序排序,所以不能对map用sort函数: For example: #include